Civic Youth Serving Agencies
As your men's fellowship strives to make a difference in your community, consider using the following programs. These are sound, proven ways to instill values of character, citizenship, and respect for others while developing a strong reverence to God, self respect and self reliance.
Read below for more information on civic/scouting organizations.

Boy Scouts of America
Chartered by Congress in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) emphasizes strong personal values, character, self-worth and usefulness, caring relationships, a desire to learn, and productive and creative use of time.
Program Levels
- Tiger Cub – boys or girls - age 6
- Cub Scouts – boys or girls - ages 7-10
- Scouts – boys or girls - ages 11-17
- Venturing – ages 14-20 (coed)
Useful Links

Amachi Big Brothers Big Sisters
People of faith, mentoring children of promise.
Amachi Big Brothers Big Sisters is the only congregationally based mentoring program in the United States to offer a proven and effective model for mentoring children of incarcerated parents. Over 2.5 million children nationwide face a 70% probability of following their parent(s) to prison at some point. (excerpt from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Amachi program brochure)
Useful Links

Girl Scouts of the USA
The Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), the largest voluntary organization for girls in the world, helps girls grow strong physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Program Levels
- Daisy Girl Scouts – grades K-1st
- Brownie Girl Scouts – grades 2nd-3rd
- Junior Girl Scouts – grades 4th-5th
- Cadette Girl Scouts – grades 6th-8th
- Senior Girl Scouts – grades 9th-10th
- Ambassador Girl Scouts - grades 11th-12th
Useful Links