Smart Goals Worksheet


This is a very good working document that can be used by someone serious about going through an effective goal setting process.  This should be used in conjunction with the Discipling Goal Setting, Implementing and Feedback Video course.

Sound the Alarm Event Cities


List of cities for Sound the Alarm

Sound the Alarm Flyer


Explains the Sound the Alarm partnership between the American Red Cross and GCUMM to provide households with smoke detectors.  

Special Worship Services for UMMen


Suggestions for clergy appreciation, father's day, men's day worship services and a father/son banquet.

Strength for Service - First Responders Celebration Service


An order of worship for the presentation of Strength for Service to God and Community to first responders

Strength for Service, Inc. Brochure


Brochure for Strength for Service, Inc., a nonprofit organization affiliated with GCUMM whose mission is to publish and provide spiritual and inspirational literature for members of the armed services, law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs/paramedics and other community servants.

Support for clergywomen

8018 Support for Clergywomen

WHEREAS United Methodist churches have not always supported welcomed the appointment of clergywomen and provided them with support following their appointment, and

WHEREAS clergywomen have gifts and graces that have enriched the witness of this denomination, and

WHEREAS clergywomen have been supportive of United Methodist Men as express in scouting ministry and men’s ministry;

Therefore, be it resolved that United Methodist Men organizations be expected to welcome women to the pulpits of their churches, and

Be it further resolved that clergywomen be invited to share in the participate in the studies and activities of local chapters United Methodist Men organizations.





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Susanna Wesley Award of Excellence Brochure

The Susanna Wesley Award of Excellence is presented to women who have served Jesus Christ and the United Methodist Church in a manner similar to Susanna Wesley.  An awardee must possess a distinctive intellect, a nurturing spirit, an unwavering devotion adn perseverance in the faith.

To Submit an online application:  Click Here

To Download the brochure:  SusannaWesleyBrochure2015.pdf

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Susanna Wesley Award of Excellence Presentation


A suggested presentation service for the Susanna Wesley Award.

Technology and Men's Ministry


Computer Programs and Applications that are essential or beneficial for interacting with GCUMM and reaching more men for Christ.

The year 2020 by the numbers

The year 2020 by the numbes 

9              People inducted into the John Wesley Society.2

8            People participated in the first on-line meeting of the General Commission on UM Men.

9              People inducted into the John Wesley Society.

38             Men currently certified as men’s ministry specialists.

46             Scout leaders trained at an on-line session.

100           Years of partnership with Boy Scouts of America.

130             People participated in a Zoom prayer meeting led by 10 leaders of four Methodist denominations.

168            People currently certified as scouting ministry specialists.

310            Handicap ramps built by SAWS in three states.

800           UM Men engaged in an 8-week AMEND study of domestic violence.

1,746        Tons of literature delivered to 28 different countries by Love Packages.

2,427         P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth) Awards given by 583 UM churches.

2,992         Number of chartered churches.

3,111         Churches with chartered Scout units.

3,992         Number of EMS members.

4,607         Dollars contributed to the Upper Room Prayer Line.

9,344          Scouting units in UM churches.

17,852          Copies of Strength for Service books given to first responders and members of the military.

29,000       Dollars contributed to the Heritage Society of the UM Men Foundation

41,000       Dollars contributed by the UM Men Foundation to support the Office of Men’s Ministry

51,584       Dollars provided by UM Men to Society of St. Andrew Meals for Millions.

89,372       Prayer requests posted on the Upper Room Prayer Wall

114,500      Dollars contribute by the UM Men Foundation to support the Office of Scouting Ministries.

 446,896      Participants in UM Men organizations according to 2018 reports to the General Council on Finance and Administration.

486,584      Pounds of produce gleaned with Society of St. Andrew.

486,003      Youth served by scouting units in UM churches.

1,719,466   Servings of food provided by UM Men through Meals for Millions.

14,370,887  Dollars spent on UMM projects according to local church 2018 reports.


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