Men's Ministry Specialist Brochure


Brochure that describes the Men's Ministry Specialist certification program.  

Men's Ministry Sunday Booklet


Outline of a men's ministry sunday worship service with prayer and hymn suggestions.  

Methodist Scouters Workshop 2019


Come joinus for the United Methodist Scouters Workshop at Philmont June 16-22, 2019.

Ministering to members of LDS Church

3293. Receive Guidelines for Ministering to Mormons Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Who Seek to Become United Methodists


WHEREAS, United Methodists seek to act in ways that are faithful, compassionate, and just in relationship to other faith traditions, extending hospitality toward all and charity toward those whose faith and practice differ from ours; and


WHEREAS, as an expression of such hospitality and charity, United Methodists need to offer the pathways into membership for persons of other faith traditions with graciousness, consistency, and clarity; and


WHEREAS, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints presents itself as a faith tradition outside the parameters of historic, apostolic Christianity;


THEREFORE, we continue to recommend that United Methodist churches should receive persons from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by offering the sacrament of Christian baptism following a period of catechesis (a time of intensive exploration and instruction in the Christian faith); and



FURTHER, we continue to affirm Sacramental Faithfulness: Guidelines for Receiving People from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) as a study resource and guideline for pastors and congregations who seek to offer pathways to receive former Mormons members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who seek to become United Methodist; and


FURTHER, we authorize the General Board of Discipleship to provide ongoing resources in accordance with Sacramental Faithfulness: Guidelines for Receiving People from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) to the Church to guide pastors and congregations who receive such persons who seek to become United Methodists in ways that are faithful to our United Methodist heritage; and


FINNALY, since the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has ended its formal relationship with the Boy Scouts of America, we encourage local United Methodist church’s to welcome interested youth from The Church of Latter-Day Saints into their scouting ministries programs.



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Mobility Worldwide Brochure


Introduction to Mobility Worldwide (formerly PET International), an endorsed ministry of GCUMM.  PET builds hand-propelled carts for use by those with mobility issues.

New Retreats for Men


There is a hunger for a new kind of retreat experience for men. It recognizes a need for commitments and changes from within a man, rather than more seminar or workshop learning. It is the difference between a lecture and a laboratory; a movie and a real-life adventure.

Nothing but Nets Toolkit


Find out how your Scout troop can get involved in Nothing but Nets and help save lives in Africa.

Partners in Ministry List


A listing with contact information of all affiliate partners, affiliates, and endorsed organizations of the General Commission on United Methodist Men.

Prayer Advocate Profile - Conference


Job description and expectations for a conference prayer advocate

Prayer Advocate Profile - District


Job description and expectations for District Prayer Advocate.

Prayer Volunteer Information Sheet


Provides information on becoming a Prayer Volunteer or Prayer Partner with The Upper Room Living Prayer Center