· Leader Development, Leaders, National Gathering, Featured, Ministry To Men

NASHVILLE, Tenn.––It just got less expensive to attend the popular National Gathering of United Methodist Men.

The United Methodist Men team has responded to requests for special “commuter prices.” 

Commuters who want to attend the July 12-14 gathering at Belmont University may now do so for only $99.

That price permits commuters to hear sermons by Don Davis, former member of the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots; Mississippi Area Bishop James Swanton; the Rev. Shane Bishop, pastor of Christ United Methodist Church in Fairview Heights, Ill.; and David Delk, president of Man in the Mirror Ministries in Orlando, Fla.

Commuters may also attend two of 17 workshops if seats are available. For an additional $39 commuters may secure seats in workshops of their choice.
Commuters may also attend the concert by Phil Stacey, an American Idol finalist.  Spouses may also attend that concert for an additional $40.

The special $99 commuter price includes the opportunity to participate in mission projects such as sacking Society of Saint Andrew produce, packing Stop Hunger Now dehydrated food packets, and building hand carts for people in African nations who have lost the use of their legs.

The special commuter price does not include meals. A listing of nearby restaurants is available.

Members of the same church may also participate in the national 3-on-3 basketball tournament. If any team member has not registered, the entire team may register for only $50.

The full registration price has also been reduced from $239 to $199. That price includes seminars, workshops, dinner on July 12 and lunch and dinner on July 13. On June 1, that price will increase to $299.

On campus lodging is available for men at a price of $100 for two nights based on double occupancy. That price includes breakfast, sheets, blankets, pillows, towels and wash cloths. Off campus housing for couples and others is also available at varying prices.

Details of the gathering are available at www.ummgathering.org.


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