· Ministry to Men, Church Renewal

Pathways to hope


By Bishop Gary Mueller


Anyone engaged in a realistic assessment of The United Methodist Church these days must acknowledge the existence of real, and often deep, differences. But, there are amazing signs that remind us of what the Holy Spirit is doing in our midst.


We see these signs where people are taking time to focus on shared Christian doctrine. They are investing in relationships that are being transformed by Jesus into something wonderful, and going all in on making disciples of Jesus Christ.


We see people who hold tight to the reality that God is still God, and God is not finished yet. They believe with heart, soul and mind that they have Jesus, and that is all they will ever really need. They are experiencing the fullness of God’s unconditional, invitational and transformational love in Jesus Christ, and they understand it’s not how “successful” they are; it’s what Jesus’ power can do through them.


We see people who are choosing to be their best selves, and not their worst. They act and speak humbly and not arrogantly. They treat those with whom they disagree as brothers and sisters in Christ, and not as adversaries. They stay connected with each other, and they do not turn their backs on anyone. They ask the Holy Spirit to fill them with hope, and they are not entrapped by fear. They do not rely on themselves; they rely on God through prayer.


We see people who invite others to walk with them in sharing the amazing grace Jesus shares with the world.


Yes, we see the signs all around us. May they multiply so much we are incapable of counting them.


Come, Holy Spirit, come!


Bishop Gary Mueller, vice president

General Commission on United Methodist Men



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