· Church Renewal, Global Health

This year, the Society of St. Andrew’s Lenten devotion booklet is entitled “How Beautiful,” based on Romans 10:15b: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!”
During His earthly life, Jesus brought Good News by restoring sight to the blind, encouraging tax collectors to be honest, and challenging people to have a deeper faith. Each day, during your reading, you will meet a new Biblical character. One of our gifted writers will use this theme to share how they feel Jesus brought wholeness to that person’s life. This Lenten season is an opportunity to grow in your faith so that Easter and the resurrection of Jesus might be the glorious celebration of a risen Christ that lives within each of us.
To obtain a free sample church packet or personal packet of our devotion and giving program and the Good Friday Fast, call 800-333-4597, or email The Rev. Jennifer Vestal Moore at Church@EndHunger.org.
An order form is also available at http://endhunger.org/lent.htm.
There is no charge for the program materials.
We hope your congregation will participate and make feeding our hungry brothers and sisters a priority during Lent. Through your involvement in the Society of St. Andrew’s ministry, you and your church can provide nourishing food to those most in need.
          The Society of St. Andrew is a national nonprofit hunger-relief ministry that rescues 25-30 million pounds of fresh, nutritious, excess produce each year that would otherwise go to waste for various marketing reasons. This food is then distributed to critical feeding agencies across the country at no cost to the agencies or the hungry people they serve.
          More information about the Society of St. Andrew and its hunger-relief programs - Gleaning Network, Potato & Produce Project, Harvest of Hope and Hunger Relief Advocate Initiative - is available online at EndHunger.org.


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