Go –– make a difference
By Steve Nailor
Thanks to those of you who are working to realize our primary goal to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” It takes all of us to step up and become involved in order to move our ministry toward that primary goal.
The achievement of this goal requires close relationships with men and your pastor(s).
In his book, Why Men Hate Going to Church, David Murrow writes, “When a mother comes to faith in Christ, the rest of the family follows 17% of the time. But when a father comes to faith in Christ, the rest of the family follows 93% of the time.”
When you combine that fact with the knowledge that of the 110 million men in the United States, nearly 80 million don't attend any church, you understand why I am committed to this ministry.
UM Men offer scores of resources and training opportunities to help churches reach unchurched men in their communities. However, many pastors, district superintendents and bishops are unaware of what we offer to support their ministries.
You occupy a key position to help them become acquainted with our programs.
You also occupy an important position to challenge men to become legacy builders and to make certain they belong to chartered churches.
I invite you to reach out to your fellow men in the same way as the Good Samaritan. This man, who was an alien to Jewish culture, saw someone in need, gave him what he needed, and committed to provide long-term care for him.
Let’s take the lead and set the example for others to follow. Invite your men to come along side of you and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Blessings to you and your leadership. Go and make a difference in someone’s life!
Steve Nailor, president
National Association of Conference Presidents of UM Men