· Scouting, Stories

Andrew Wiley (left) is honored for saving his friend, Trey Bell (right) from drowning after a boating accident.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. –– Trey Bell invited his friend, Andrew Wiley to join his family for a Labor Day boating outing at Lake Stanley Draper.
Trey’s parents were pulling Trey and Andrew in a tube behind the boat when an inexperienced sea-doo rider hit the tube sending both boys into the 30-foot-deep water.
Slightly daze, Andy heard Valerie Bell yell, “Get Trey.”
“I looked behind me and saw him bobbing in the water,” said Andrew. “I swam over and rolled him face up.” Andrew then put Trey on his back and started swimming toward the boat.
Trey was lifeless and grey when Troy Bell pulled him into the boat. Valerie, a registered nurse, said she could feel no pulse and immediately began CPR while Troy drove the boat and Andrew explained the situation to a 911 operator.
When they reached the beach, firemen called for a helicopter to rush Trey to the hospital.
Valerie says Trey suffered three intracranial bleeds, fractured ribs, a hematoma over his adrenal gland, lacerated liver and fractured pelvis.
After Trey was released from the hospital, he returned to school in a wheel chair and could use a walker for short distances. “On Nov. 11, 2008 (over two months after the Aug. 31) accident I was released with no restrictions,” said Trey. “I’m glad my friend, Andrew Wiley, was at the lake to save my life.”
The Last Frontier Council of the Boy Scouts presented Andrew with an “Honor Medal for Life Saving Action” during a February awards banquet at the State Fairgrounds. Andrew is a member of Troop 291, chartered by First UMC in Moore, Okla.


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