· Featured, Scouting

Nashville, Tenn.: A scouting organization has lost its affiliation with United Methodist organizations.

The National Association of United Methodist Scouters (NAUMS) was formerly affiliated with the General Commission on United Methodist Men, the National Association of Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men and the United Methodist Men Foundation.

All three organizations severed ties with the volunteer scouting organization after efforts to resolve certain issues among the organizations were unsuccessful. The change is related to organizational and business practices.

The action does not change the relationship of national organizations of United Methodist Men with Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of the USA.

“We continue to expand scouting as a vibrant ministry to our churches and to the youth in our communities,” said Gil Hanke, top staff executive of the General Commission on United Methodist Men.

The Commission also has affiliate relationships with Camp Fire USA, 4-H, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

In March, the National Association of Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men and the United Methodist Men Foundation also ended their relationship with NAUMS.

The action concludes several attempts by previous commissions and general secretaries to resolve issues and concerns with NAUMS.

NAUMS now has no formal relationship with any national entity of The United Methodist Church and is prohibited from using the United Methodist name or logo.

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