UMM is working to implement a new model and vision of men’s ministry. We believe that the result will be men involved in all four areas of focus which will reach the world for Christ. United Methodist Men are responding to the four areas of focus in the following ways:

Engaging in Ministry with the Poor...

  • Training UMM leaders to become advocates and friends of the poor, and eliminate the effects of poverty and racism.
  • Expanding US hunger relief efforts through the Society of Saint Andrew.
  • Supporting children of incarcerated parents through Amachi.
  • Expanding global hunger relief through Stop Hunger Now.

Read news related to

· Scouting, Ministry to Men, Strength for Service, Ministry with the Poor, Life Membership

The year 2016 by the numbers

14  Hunger Relief Advocates

16   Bishop’s Awards of excellence

19  Organizations granted affiliate or endorsed relationship with GCUMM

24  Scout leaders trained at Bechtel Summit Training Course

38  Good Samaritan Awards

39  Men certified as men’s ministry specialists with 28 in the candidacy process

80  Conference presidents and prayer advocates trained face to face

220  Small group e-meetings conducted from the GCUMM office

173  Cross and Flame Awards

333   Scouting Ministry Specialists

3,661  Chartered groups of UM Men 

4,874  PRAY awards given through UM churches

6,500   Churches with scouting units

10,210  Scouting units in UM churches

25,000  New Testaments with Psalms given to Scouts at high adventure centers

$26,756  Contributed to the Upper Room Prayer Line

40,000  Copies of Strength for Service to God and Community distributed

$182,000   Provided by UM Men to Meals for Millions

264,940   Prayer requests received by the Upper Room Prayer Line

324,000  Youth served by scouting units in UM churches

530,000  Strength for Service books printed for military troops since 2000

25,266,590  Servings of food provided by the Society of St. Andrew.

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