UMM is working to implement a new model and vision of men’s ministry. We believe that the result will be men involved in all four areas of focus which will reach the world for Christ. United Methodist Men are responding to the four areas of focus in the following ways:

Developing principled Christian Leaders…

  • Training UM Men leaders for ministry of Jesus Christ through Advanced Lay Speaking Course.
  • Training Men’s and Scouting Ministry Specialists to serve in every conference.
  • Training and equipping leaders in Central Conferences in scouting and men’s ministry with on-site visits and on-line courses.
  • Training youth to be effective, caring leaders in church and community through ministries with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Campfire.

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· Leadership Development

Four steps to restart your ministry


By Dr. Rick Vance 


“We must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours. After all, we can trust the one who made the agreement with us. We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.”

––Hebrews 10:23-25 (CEB)

After 18 months of isolation and hybrid meetings, many churches want to reboot their ministries. While this is a noble idea, the process is not as simple as saying it’s time to come back.

Ministry specifically to men has always been a challenge, so as you think about how to restart your ministry, consider the following steps:


  1. Pray: Seek God’s will for the ministry as you begin to re-develop and design your ministry.
  2. Plan: Include others in an evaluation of where your ministry is and has been. Having a clear sense of past successes and current realities will be a great asset as you plan to reboot your ministry. Things have changed.
  3. Prepare: Seek the input of the men who you hope to reach. Meet with the men who will help implement your reboot. Set specific goals, tasks, and outcomes for each team member.
  4. Proceed: Remember there may be opposition from guys who have attended on-line church services while chilling at home. There may be health safety concerns regarding face-to-face meetings. Respect their decisions and provide ways to involve men who are reluctant to participate in in-person gatherings.

Our mission is to coach all men to thrive through Christ. We are available to assist you with devotional resources, program resources, and support as you maneuver this time of new beginnings.


The Center for Men’s Ministry wishes you a merry Christ-filled Christmas and a blessed, safe, and healthy New Year.


Your brother on the journey


The Rev. Dr. Rick Vance, director of the Center for Men’s Ministries

General Commission on UM Men



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