UMM is working to implement a new model and vision of men’s ministry. We believe that the result will be men involved in all four areas of focus which will reach the world for Christ. United Methodist Men are responding to the four areas of focus in the following ways:

New places for new people and renewal of existing congregations…

  • Awakening and building new spiritually as a means to revive congregations.
  • Training clergy and lay leaders in effective discipleship of men.
  • Encouraging and equipping men to serve their pastors and congregations as ministry partners.
  • Assisting UMC leaders beyond the USA with relevant training and resources.

Read news related to

Enter the national contest
· Ministry to Men, charter, Church Renewal

Enter the national contest

 Larry Johnson, president of Wylie, Texas UM Men (right), receives a second-place plaque from NACP President Dan Ramsey. ...
2015 -- The Year in Review
· Scouting, Ministry to Men, Strength for Service, charter, EMS, Legacy Builders, Circuit Riders Society, Paver Project, Susanna Wesley, Leadership Development, Church Renewal, Ministry with the Poor, Global Health, UMMen Foundation, Life Membership, Society of John Wesley, NACP

2015 -- The Year in Review

2015 – The year in review ...
We can help people experience Jesus’ Church this Christmas
· Ministry to Men, EMS, Church Renewal

We can help people experience Jesus’ Church this Christmas

We can help people experience Jesus’ Church this Christmas ...
Stay Committed
· Ministry to Men, Legacy Builders, Circuit Riders Society, Leadership Development, Church Renewal, Life Membership

Stay Committed

Stay Committed ...
The best of . . .
· Ministry to Men, Legacy Builders, Leadership Development, Church Renewal, Global Health

The best of . . .

The best of . . . ...
Blessings––What memory will you make happen?
· Ministry to Men, Legacy Builders, Leadership Development, Church Renewal, Ministry with the Poor, Global Health, Life Membership

Blessings––What memory will you make happen?

Blessings––What memory will you make happen? ...
United Methodists Give Generously During #Giving Tuesday
· Church Renewal

United Methodists Give Generously During #Giving Tuesday

United Methodists Give Generously During #Giving Tuesday ...
Is this in your plan to revitalize the church?
· Ministry to Men, Church Renewal

Is this in your plan to revitalize the church?

Is this in your plan to revitalize the church? ...
Inside or outside?
· Ministry to Men, Leadership Development, Church Renewal

Inside or outside?

Inside or outside? ...
A letter to leaders of UM Men
· Scouting, Ministry to Men, Strength for Service, Leadership Development, Church Renewal, NACP

A letter to leaders of UM Men

From your partners in men’s ministry ...
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