· Leaders

Neil Brown presents the first of 100 numbered copies of “I am a United Methodist Man” to Gil Hanke, general secretary of the General Commission on United Methodist Men. Ed Shytle, president of the UM Men Foundation, joins in the presentation at the March meeting of the National Association of Conference Presidents.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.–– Neil Brown, president of Western North Carolina UM Men, is providing a way for organizations of UM Men to declare what they stand for while raising funds for the UM Men Foundation.

A parchment titled “I am a United Methodist Man” proclaims a UM man is “as sinful as any other man. However, I have been changed forever by the merciful grace of God, grounded in His Word, and attempting, with His help, to live out my faith in the world.”

The statement declares a UM man has a “special concern for the sick, the marginalized and the needy” and he assists “the young through the scouting ministry [and honors] the military and first responders with copies of Strength for Service.”

The statement concludes: “I am a United Methodist Man. God’s call on my life and my obedience to him makes me a radiating power. Through the faithfulness of my commitment to Him, I become a living symbol, the hands and feet of Jesus, a sign of His kingdom here on earth. I am a United Methodist Man.

There are only 100 signed copies of the document. Parchment copies are available from Neil Brown (brownneil@bellsouth.net) for a $50 donation to the UMM Foundation. The effort raised more than $1,200 in two days following the announcement.

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