· Ministry with the Poor, Global Health, NACP

 Wade Mays presents the top award for conference contributions to the Meals for Millions program of the Society of St.  Andrew to Steve Nailor, president of Northern Illinois Conference UM Men and newly elected president of the National Association of Conference Presidents of UM Men.

Northern Illinois Conference tops list of donors to Meals for Millions

NASHVILLE, Tenn.––Wade Mays, director of the Meals for Millions program of the Society of St. Andrew, presented Northern Illinois Conference with an award for being the top annual conference contributor to the program that provided 8.2 million servings of fresh produce in direct relief to the hungry in 2015.

Mays also honored Oklahoma Annual Conference with a “Bud-the-Spud Award” for increasing total contributions by the highest percentage. The conference contributed $1,302 in 2014 and jumped the total to $4,035 in 2015. The award honors the late Nelson L. “Bud” Curtis, who donned a potato costume to urge men to participate in “potato drops” where thousands of potatoes are bagged for food pantries.

The top ten conference contributors to the Meals for Millions

$23,446   Northern Illinois

$21,464   Virginia

$13,475   Indiana

$11,880   Detroit

$9,172    Baltimore-Washington

$6,975    Susquehanna

$6,200    West Ohio

$6,095    North Carolina

$4,819    Missouri

$4,275    Iowa




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