West Ohio Conference UMM
![West Ohio Conference UMM](/images/r/files/uploads/members/umm_logo_big-1/960x540/image.jpg)
United Methodist Men of the West Ohio Conference
Welcome to the West Ohio Conference United Methodist Men’s website!
Our mission is…
Equipping Men to be Disciples to help Men grow in Christ,
so that others may know Christ through Men’s Ministry
Select from the list below to find out more about us:
- District UMM organizations within the West Ohio Conference
- Ministry Outreach Opportunities
- Event Announcements
The Executive Committee is made up of the officers of the WOCUMM and representatives from each of the Districts that make up the Conference. The group meets on a regular basis to facilitate communication among the District UMM organizations and support to the ministry programs.
To see the Conference Organization Chart click here.
To see the District Organization Chart click here.
Officers: (Click title for job description)
President: Patrick Talisse - patalisse@hotmail.com
Vice President: Open
Recording Secretary: John W. Sherer - shererjw@aol.com
Treasurer: Mike Henson
Honorary President: Bishop Gregory Palmer - wocbishop@wocumc.org
Cabinet Representative: Kim Overholser
Past President: Rev. Ben Shaffer - rbshaeff@yahoo.com
Members at Large: Open
Communications/Web-Master: Interim
Ethnic Ministries: Open
Spiritual Life: Rev. Keith Deel - kdeel@frontier.com
Hunger Relief Advocate: Open
Prayer Advocate: Chuck Albright - chuckalbright@vmail.com
VIM Coordinator: Open
Lay Leader: Mitchell Harper
Scouting Coordinator: John Hargrave - johnhargrave@sbcglobal.net
SOCM Representative: Open
Men's Ministry Specialist (MMS): Leo Scholl - lschol@sbcglobal.net
Executive Board meetings: Every Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM via Zoom conferencing.
Capitol Area North District Representative: Open
Capitol Area South District Representative: Michael Aldridge - oyomaldridg@yahoo.com
Foothills District Representative: (OPEN)
Maumee Watershed District Representative: Denny Walker - edwdenny@yahoo.com
Miami Valley District Representative: Andrew Campbell - drewnsam@netzero.com
Northwest Plains District Representative: Open
Ohio River Valley District Representative: Melvin Williams - melvindot5@aol.com
Shawnee Valley District Representative: Open
Ministry Outreach Opportunities
Love Packages
Pill Bottles
Love Packages Mission
Love Packages is an on-going West Ohio Conference United Methodist Men Mission Project. It collects new or used Christian material that you are no longer using and distributes them to Christians overseas who are in need of them.
If you have used or unused Christian materials such as:
extra Bibles
Sunday School materials for children, teens and adults
VCR Tapes
Cassette tapes
Christian books or magazines
Daily Devotionals such as The Upper Room or Our Daily Bread
lying around your home, office or church, please consider donating them. This is one of the easiest mission projects you will ever find! It really doesn’t take that much time and the whole family can help. It is a win for you and a win for the recipients.
Click here for a quick "nickle" tour of the Love Packages facilities
Contacts for help in starting a local collection program or ideas on setting up a Love Packages collection bin (see an example in the PHOTOS section at the bottom of this site):
Leo Scholl, lschol@sbcglobal.net, the WOCUMM Project Coordinator
Wayne & Ruth Thomas, thomaswayne43@hotmail.com, Love Packages Project Coordinators at the Regional Collection Center.
To schedule a donation through the Regional Collection Center contact:
Wayne & Ruth Thomas
Love Packages Project Coordinators
513-932-7535 Home
937-409-1175 Cell
They will schedule a date and time for you to drop your donation at the Regional Collection Center in Lebanon, OH or for them to pick up your new donation (see their new van in the PHOTOS section at the bottom of this site).
Thank you for your donations. Love Package totals
2015: 1,165 tons shipped to 22 countries.
2016 (Jan-Feb): 200 tons shipped to 8 countries: Ghana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, South Africa, Thailand and Uganda.
For more details visit www.lovepackages.org.
Pill Bottle Mission
Matthew 25: Ministries is an on-going West Ohio Conference United Methodist Men Mission Project being done in conjunction with the Love Project. Matthew 25: Ministries accepts donations of empty plastic pill bottles for inclusion in shipments of medical supplies and for shredding and recycling. Our pill bottle program fulfills the dual needs of improving medical care in developing countries and caring for our environment.
Acceptable collection items include:
Prescription and over-the-counter pill bottles
Large and small pill bottles
Pill Bottles with and without secure caps (child resistant)
Pill bottles that are not appropriate to include with shipments of medical supplies are recycled for cash that goes towards Matthew 25: Ministries’ programs. If you wish to prepare bottles for shipment rather than recycling, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Bottles included in shipments of medical supplies must have an all plastic lid.
Sort bottles by color and type.
Remove labels, leaving no glue or residue.
Wash bottles in very hot water and dish soap.
Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Replace lids on clean, dried bottles.
Place clean, recapped bottles in large ziplock bags marked “Clean Bottles.” These will be blended with medical supplies.
Contacts for help in starting a local collection program or ideas on setting up a Pill Bottle collection bin (see an example in the PHOTOS section at the bottom of this site):
Leo Scholl, lschol@sbcglobal.net, the WOCUMM Project Coordinator
Wayne & Ruth Thomas, thomaswayne43@hotmail.com, Love Packages Project Coordinators at the Regional Collection Center.
To schedule a donation through the Regional Collection Center contact:
Wayne & Ruth Thomas
Love Packages Project Coordinators
513-932-7535 Home
937-409-1175 Cell
They will schedule a date and time for you to drop your donation at the Regional Collection Center in Lebanon, OH or for them to pick up your new donation (see their new van in the PHOTOS section at the bottom of this site).
For more details about Matthew 25: Ministries visit http://m25m.org.
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West Ohio Conference UMM
1528 Seneca Dr.Xenia, OH 45385